how to

elden ring scaled 2

Elden Ring: How to Pause the Game

Elden Ring is an open-world RPG title by FromSoftware that has done a great job of keeping the Dark Souls’ legacy alive. While the game is extremely fun to play, you are still going to die a lot. Margit the…

Marco Reus Flashback SBC In FIFA 22

FIFA 22: Marco Reus Flashback SBC

FIFA 22 often hosts Flashback challenges where the players have to complete certain objectives to unlock the star player. The Flashback SBC challenges tend to be even easier than the others and can be completed quickly. Today’s Flashback SBC will…

Elden Ring

How to Summon Spirits in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is a highly immersive game with tons of abilities and skills to choose from. Within such skills, there lies the ability to call upon the dead. Yes, you heard that right, spirits of the dead can be summoned…

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How to Find the Claymore in Elden Ring?

Being a highly customizable game, Elden ring comes with many unique weapons to choose from. Some of these weapons have unique abilities while others simply provide good raw stats. Claymore is one of such weapons, it is a really good…