With the new season of Fornite, comes new quests. These quests are necessary to level up your Battle Pass and get amazing cosmetics along the way. Plus, these quests teach you the mechanics of the newly added features such as parkour and tactical sprint. That is why we will take a look at all Boot Camp quests in Fortnite.
There are 3 main Boot Camp quests added to the game right now. While they are straightforward, newer players might be confused about how to complete them. Worry not because we’ll not only show you all the Boot Camp quests in Fortnite but also how to complete them.
Fortnite: All Boot Camp Quests
As aforementioned, there are three quests added to the game and they are there to introduce you to the new mechanics. Most players will automatically complete these quests without realizing it but some players might have a problem. Regardless, let’s dive right in and find out what these quests are and how you can complete them.
Boot Camp Sprinting Quest

This is an easy quest to complete. All you have to do is complete the sprint challenge. Head over to the Rocky Reels and enter the large blimp that is on top of it. Once you are there, you will get an “urgent quest” that you’ll have to complete. Simply use the newly added tactical sprint feature and you’ll complete the quest.
Boot Camp Mantling Quest

This quest is also related to the previous one. While you are in Rocky Reels, you have to climb 3 ledges for it to count. To complete this, press and hold the jump button and climb the ledges. This is a new feature in Fortnite called parkour which is added in this season.
Boot Camp Sliding Quest

Like previous sliding quests, this one is the same. You have to slide for 20 meters while at Rocky Reels at the Bootcamp. There are a lot of hills in the area so you shouldn’t have a problem sliding down one and getting the 20 meters distance.
There you have it, those are all the Boot Camp quests in Fornite. You can do all three of them in the same round as they are interlinked with one another. If you are stuck at any step or are confused about how to do them, let us know in the comments below and we will gladly assist you.