Dead by Daylight is every horror/thriller genre lover’s dream game and this game has so much to offer. The game gets new content with the release of every new chapter and we are currently at chapter 26 of the game and expecting a new chapter in 2023.
Perks are a core part of the gameplay and the sheer amount of perks the game offers is insane it is enough to overwhelm even an experienced player so that is why we have put together this handy tier list for all the survivor’s perks to save you lots of effort.
Dead by Daylight Survivors Perks Ranked
In this Tier List, we have tried to objectively rank all the Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight. Because they are so many perks in DBD, it can easily overwhelm a new player but don’t worry because that is exactly why this tier list is for you, for you to learn more about Perks in DBD.
We have tried to keep our tier list as objective as possible but you still may disagree. The criteria we used to rank the perks is that we looked at the overall use-ability and all-roundedness of the perk. The higher the tier, the more it has the ability to be used in every situation. The lower the tier, the more situational the perks become.
Tier List
Below we have given the Tier List for all the Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight.
Tier | Survivor Perk |
S-Tier | Prove Thyself, Kindred, Off the Record, Boon – Circle of Healing |
A-Tier | Window of Opportunity, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Built to Last, We’ll Make It, Lucky Break, Distortion, Bond, Head On, Boon – Shadow Step, Borrowed Time, For The People, Botany Knowledge, Open Handed, Flashbang, Quick and Quiet, Breakout, Residual Manifest, Aftercare, Overcome, Deliverance, Lightweight, Overzealous, Resilience, Vigil, Lithe |
B-Tier | Empathic Connection, Boil Over, Parental Guidance, Any Means Necessary, Alert, Soul Guard, Bite The Bullet, Power Struggle, Solidarity, We’re Gonna Live Forever, Pharmacy, Leader, Hope, Poised, Stake Out, Saboteur, Blast Mine, Streetwise, Wake Up, Dance With Me, No One Left Behind, Decisive Strike, Ace in The Hole, Situational Awareness, Boon – Exponential, Plunderer’s Instinct, Inner Healing, Rookie Spirit, Repressed Alliance, Deja Vu, Conterforce, Appraisal, Dark Sense, Breakdown, Dead Hard, Sole Survivor, Diversion, Small Game, Kinship, Clairvoyance, Blood Pact, Autodidact, Object of Obsession, Fast Track, Urban Evasion, Guardian, Deception, Stake Out, Resurgence, Leader, Flip-Flop, Boon – Dark Theory, Smash Hit, Detective’s Hunch, Self-Aware, Inner Focus, Tenacity, Empathy, Balanced Landing, Renewal, Desperate Measures |
C-Tier | Visionary, Iron Will, Red Herring, Technician, No Mither, Up the Ante, Self-Preservation, Mettle of Man, Spine Chill, Left Behind |
D-Tier | Premonition, Calm Spirit, Self-Care, Corrective Action, This is Not Happening, Buckle Up, Slippery Meat |

Prove Thyself: Increases your Repair speed by +15 % (each Survivor at 4 meters) maximum of +45 %, Grants 50/75/100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Cooperative actions. Only for Dwight
Kindred: Auras of all Survivors are revealed to one another, (when Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of your Hook, their Aura is revealed to all Survivors). Survivor is hooked: The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you, (When Killer is within 8/12/16 meters of the hooked Survivor, their Aura is revealed to you). For All
Off the Record: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, activates for the next 60/70/80 seconds: Prevents your Aura from being revealed to the Killer, Suppresses Grunts of Pain when injured, Grants the Endurance Status Effect. Only Zarina
Boon – Circle of Healing: Mikaela Reid Lvl 35: Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem. Increases all Healing speeds by 40/45/50 %.
Soul Guard: After being healed from or having recovered from the Dying State, Soul Guard grants you the Endurance Status Effect for the next 4/6/8 seconds

Window of Opportunity: The Auras of Breakable Walls, Pallets, and Windows are revealed to you within 24/28/32 meters
Unbreakable: Your Recovery speed is increased by 25/30/35 %
Sprint Burst: When starting to run, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 3 seconds
Adrenaline: Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State and sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 5 seconds
Built to Last: Hiding inside a Locker for 14/13/12 seconds while carrying a depleted Item will replenish its Charges to 99 %
We’ll Make It: Increases your Altruistic Healing speed by 100 % for the next 30/60/90 seconds whenever you rescue another Survivor from a Hook
Lucky Break: Bleeding and Scratch Marks are suppressed for a maximum of 40/50/60 seconds, after which Lucky Break is disabled for the remainder of the Trial
Distortion: Your Aura will not be shown to the Killer and you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 6/8/10 seconds
Bond: The Auras of all other Survivors within 20/28/36 meters of your location are revealed to you
Head On: When performing a rushed action to leave a Locker, stun the Killer for 3 seconds if they are within range
Boon – Shadow Step: Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem
Borrowed Time: For 8/10/12 seconds after unhooking a Survivor, the unhooked Survivor is protected by the Endurance Status Effect
For The People: Press the Active Ability button while healing another Survivor without a Med-Kit to instantly heal them 1 Health State, you become the obsession
Botany Knowledge: Increases Healing speeds, as well as the efficiency of Med-Kits, by 11/22/33 %
Open-Handed: Open-Handed increases all Aura-reading ranges by 8/12/16 meters
Flashbang: After repairing Generators for a total of 70/60/50 %, Flashbang activates
Pharmacy: Unlocking Chests is 40/60/80 % faster, first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit
Quick and Quiet: Suppresses both the Loud Noise Notification and the sound effects triggered by rushing to vault Windows, Pallets, or rushing to enter or exit Lockers
Breakout: When within 6 meters of a carried Survivor, you gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 5/6/7 %
Residual Manifest: After a successful Killer Blind, the Killer suffers from the Blindness Status Effect for 20/25/30 seconds, grants the ability to rummage through an opened Chestonce per Trial, and will guarantee a basic Flashlight. Only Haddie
Power Struggle: You can drop a nearby, standing Pallet to stun the Killer and escape their grasp
Overcome: Whenever you become injured, you retain the Movement Speed burst for 2 additional seconds
Deliverance: Your Self-Unhook attempts will succeed 100 % of the time
Lightweight: Scratch Marks begin to fade 1/2/3 seconds sooner
Overzealous: After cleansing a Totem, Overzealous activates: Increases your Repair speed by (Dull Totem: 6/7/8 %) (Hex Totem: 12/14/16 %). Only Haddie
Resilience: Increases your Action speeds in Repairing, Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Vaulting, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 3/6/9 % when in the Injured State
Vigil: Increases your Recovery rate from the Blindness, Broken, Exhaustion, Exposed, Haemorrhage, Hindered, and Oblivious Status Effects by 20/25/30 %
Lithe: After performing a rushed vault, break into a sprint of 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for a maximum of 3 seconds
Deception: Interact with a Locker while holding the Sprint button to trigger a Loud Noise Notification for the killer at your location instead of entering the Locker

Empathic Connection: Whenever another Survivor is injured, they can see your Aura when within 32/64/96 meters of your location. You heal other Survivors 10 % faster
Boil Over: While being carried by the Killer, the following effects apply. +intensity of the Struggle Effects, Obscures the Auras of all Hooks & your Wiggle Meter fills by 25 % upon landing
Parental Guidance: Ability to hear the dead. After stunning the Killer by any means, Parental Guidance suppresses your Scratch Marks, Pools of Blood, and Grunts of Pain for the next 5/6/7 seconds.
Any Means Necessary: You see the Auras of dropped Pallets
Alert: Whenever the Killer destroys a Pallet or a Breakable Wall or damages a Generator, their Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds
Aftercare: You see the Aura of the last 1/2/3 Survivor(s)
Bite The Bullet: When healing yourself or another Survivor, Grunts of Pain and all noises related to the Healing action are suppressed
No Mither: you suffer from the Broken Status Effect for the entire Trial
Solidarity: When injured, healing another Survivor without using a Med-Kit also heals you with a Conversion rate of 40/45/50 %
We’re Gonna Live Forever: When healing a dying Survivor, your Healing speed is increased by 100 %
Leader: Increases the Action speeds of other Survivors in Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 15/20/25 % while they are within 8 meters of your location
Hope: As soon as the Exit Gates are powered, gain a 5/6/7 % Haste Status Effect for 120 seconds
Poised: After a Generator is completed, you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 6/8/10 seconds
Stake Out: Every 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s Terror Radius without being chased, Stake Out gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens
Saboteur: While a Survivor is being carried, the Auras of all Hooks within 56 meters of their Pick-up location are revealed to you
Blast Mine: After repairing Generators for a total of 66 % install a Trap & Trapped Generators are revealed in yellow
Streetwise: Decreases the Depletion rate of your Items by 15/20/25 %
Wake Up: Once all Generators are completed, the Auras of the Exit Gate Switches are revealed to you within 128 meters, When opening an Exit Gate, your Aura is revealed to all other Survivors within 128 meter
Dance With Me: When performing a rushed action to vault a Window, Pallet, or leave a Locker, you will not leave any Scratch Marks for the next 3 seconds
No One Left Behind: Once at least one Exit Gate has been opened, No One Left Behind activates > Action Speed bonus to Unhooking and Healing other Survivors > The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you > Grants 50/75/100 % bonus Bloodpoints for actions in the Altruism
Decisive Strike:
Ace in The Hole: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike activates for the next 40/50/60 seconds
Situational Awareness: While repairing a Generator, its Aura is revealed in yellow to all other Survivors located within 32 meters
Boon – Exponential: Press and hold the Active Ability button near a Dull or Hex Totem to bless it and create a Boon Totem
Plunderer’s Instinct: The Auras of closed Chests and dropped Items in the environment within 16/24/32 meters of your location are revealed to you
Inner Healing: You are automatically healed 1 Health State when hiding inside a Locker for 10/9/8 seconds while injured or suffering from the Deep Wound Status Effect
Rookie Spirit: Once active, the Auras of any regressing Generators are revealed to you
Repressed Alliance: After repairing Generators for a total of 55/50/45 seconds, Repressed Alliance activates
Deja Vu: The Auras of the 3 Generators in closest proximity to one another are revealed to you for 30/45/60 seconds at the start of the Trial, and each time a Generator is completed
Conterforce: you know how to withstand an enemy stronger than you, and it starts with hunting down and knocking out their support. You cleanse Totems 20 % faster
Appraisal: When a Chest has already been opened, consume 1 Token to rummage through it for an Item. Rummage through Chests 40/60/80 % faster
Dark Sense: Each time a Generators completed, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 5 seconds. Once the last Generator is completed, the Aura of the Killer is revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds
Breakdown: Each time you are unhooked or unhook yourself, the Hook breaks, and the Killer’s Aura is revealed to you for 4/5/6 seconds
Dead Hard: When Injured, tap into your adrenaline bank and dash forward quickly to avoid damage
Sole Survivor: Each Token grants a stack-able radius of 20/22/24 meters within which the Killer is unable to read your Aura, up to a maximum of 60/66/72 meters
Diversion: Standing within the Killer’s Terror Radius while not in a Chase for 40/35/30 seconds activates Diversion
Small Game: Receive an auditory warning upon looking in the direction of Totems in a 45 ° cone within 8/10/12 meters
Kinship: If another Survivor is within 16 metres of your Hook while Kinship is active, the Struggle Phase timer is paused for 26/30/34 seconds
Clairvoyance: When empty-handed, press and hold the Active Ability button to unlock your full Aura-reading potential, allowing you to see the Auras of the Exit Gate Switches, Generators, Hooks, Chests, and the Hatch within 64 metres for 8/9/10 seconds
Blood Pact: When you or the Obsession are injured, you both see each other’s Auras
Autodidact: You start the Trial with a -25 % Progression penalty for Skill Checks to heal Survivors
Object of Obsession: Whenever the Killer reads your Aura and for the same duration as they do so, Object of Obsession activates
Fast Track: Whenever another Survivor is hooked, Fast Track gains 1/2/3 Tokens, up to a maximum of 9/18/27 Tokens
Urban Evasion: Increases your Crouching Movement speed by 90/95/100 %
Guardian: When you unhook a Survivor, the rescued Survivor benefits from the following effects for 4/6/8 seconds
Stake Out: Every 15 seconds you are standing within the Killer’s Terror Radius without being chased, Stake Out gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 2/3/4 Tokens
Resurgence: After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, instantly gain 40/45/50 % to your Healing progress
Leader: Increases the Action speeds of other Survivors in Healing, Sabotaging, Unhooking, Cleansing, Opening, and Unlocking by 15/20/25 % while they are within 8 metres of your location
Flip-Flop: While in the Dying State, 50 % of your Recovery progression is converted into Wiggling progression, up to a maximum of 40/45/50 %, once you are picked up by the Killer
Boon – Dark Theory: Active Ability to bless it and create a Boon Totem, radius of 24 metres. Survivors inside the Boon Totem’s range benefit from the following effects: 2 % Haste Status Effect. This effect lingers for 2/3/4 seconds after leaving the Boon Totem’s range. One Totem at a time.
Smash Hit: After stunning the Killer with a Pallet, break into a sprint at 150 % of your normal Running Movement speed for 4 seconds
Detective’s Hunch: Each time a Generator is completed, the Auras of any Generators, Chests, and Totemswithin 32/48/64 metres are revealed to you for 10 seconds
Self-Aware: You walk 10/15/20 % faster and can see your own Scratch Marks
Inner Focus: Survivor loses a Health State within 32 meters of you, the Killer’s Aura is revealed to you for 3/4/5 seconds. Haddie
Empathy: The Auras of Survivors in the Injured State or in the Dying State within 64/96/128 metres of your location are revealed to you
Balanced Landing: Your agility and cat-like relexes are incomparable
Renewal: When you heal another Survivor for the equivalent of 1 Health State, The next time you are unhooked or unhook yourself, you suffer from the Broken Status Effect until Renewal deactivates, You are automatically healed 1 Health State after 28/24/20 seconds
Desperate Measures: Increases Healing and Unhooking speeds by 10/12/14 % for each injured, hooked, or dying Survivor, up to a maximum of 40/48/56 %

Tenacity: our ferocious tenacity in dire situations allows you to crawl 30/40/50 % faster and also recover at the same time
Visionary: the Auras of Generators are revealed to you within 32 meters
Iron Will: Lowers the volume of Grunts of Pain by 50/75/100 %
Technician: Failing a Skill Check while repairing
Up the Ante: Each Token applies a stack-able 1/2/3 % bonus to the Luck of all Survivors, up to a maximum of 3/6/9 %
Self-Preservation: Scratch Marks, Grunts of Pain when injured, and Bleeding are suppressed for the next 6/8/10 seconds
Slippery Meat: Grants 3 additional Self-Unhook attempts & Increases the Self-Unhook chance by 2/3/4 %
Spine Chill: Whenever the Killer is looking in your direction when they are within 36 meters of you, Spine Chill activates, Increases the Trigger odds of Skill Check by 10 % & Increases your Action speeds
Left Behind: When you are the last Survivor remaining in the Trial, the Aura of the Hatch is revealed to you when you are within 24/28/32 meters

Premonition: Receive an auditory warning upon looking in the Killer’s direction within a 45 ° cone within 36 metres
Calm Spirit: Animals seem to trust you as they often stay calm in your presence
Self-Care: Unlocks the Self-Care ability, allowing to self-heal without needing a Med-Kit
Red Herring: After repairing a Generator for at least 3 seconds, its Aura is highlighted to you in yellow
Corrective Action: ou start the Trial with 1/2/3 Token(s) and gain a Token each time you succeed at a Great Skill Check, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens
This is Not Happening: Increases the Success zone of Great Skill Checks’ while Repairing and Healing by 10/20/30 % when in the Injured State
Buckle Up: You can determine the Recovery progress of dying Survivors by the intensity of their Aura at a distance of 48 metres away
Mettle of Man: After triggering your third Protection Hit, Mettle of Man activates and you are protected by the Endurance Status Effect
This was all about Survivor Perks in Dead by Daylight. If you have any reviews about the tier list, let us know in the comment below and also check out Dead by Daylight Section.