All Tallneck Override Locations in Horizon Forbidden West

Horizon Forbidden West has recently been released and players have already begun to explore the corners of its beautiful map. If you are someone stuck in finding the Tallneck override locations then this article is for you. They can be a pain to find and we get it but the reward is well worth it.

This guide will be covering all the spots of the Tallnecks. Some people like to complete stuff as they go and some just want to hack everything. Either way, this guide will benefit all of you so tag along. With that said, if you are having any kind of trouble finding these locations then let us know!

What are Tallneck Override Locations

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There are a total of six Tallneck locations in Horizon Forbidden West. In the later story, Aloy will be rewarded with unveiling enormous sections of the area that were previously covered by fog if she is able to find all the Tallnecks locations.

Tallnecks are one of the most passive machines in Horizon Zero Dawn. It is even possible to climb on them without being seen. The main objective of this quest is to override them to broaden your exploration range.

All Tallneck Locations in Horizon Forbidden West

Here are all the locations for Tallnecks in Horizon Forbidden West:

Tallneck: Cinnabar Sands

The Tallneck of Cinnabar sands can be found in the southeastern region near Plainsong.

Tallneck: The Stillsands

The Stillsands Tallneck is rather easy to spot. It mainly resides in the far south, near a settlement called Camp Nowhere.

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Tallneck: The Stand of the Sentinels

This Tallneck can be found at the west of Memorial Grove, near the Cliffwatch.

Tallneck: Landfall

This Tallneck can be found in the far west, the south of Legacy’s landfall.

Tallneck: Salt Bite

The Salt Bit Tallneck can be found in the north of Scalding Spear, inside IOTA Cauldron.

Tallneck: The Shining Wastes

The Shining Waves Tallneck can be found in the center of the map, south of Scalding Spear.

What do you think about these Tallnecks? Have you successfully completed the quest? Let us know in the comments below!

Muhib Nadeem
Muhib Nadeem

Muhib is a huge anime fan that loves playing and writing about video games. As a CS student, he loves to get crafty in MOBAs. You will hear him talk about tech and food 24 hours a day!

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