Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 Buffs and Nerfs | DRH, YKM Stock, DL Q33

This is our latest list of COD Mobile Season 2 buffs and nerfs for weapons and everything you need to know about new additions, changes, throwables, scorestreaks and perks. The update itself is going to be coming out later today. Some guns, like the DRH, have been changed quite a bit in this update, while some have only been buffed or nerfed slightly. We’re going to be talking about all the buffs and nerfs you should definitely look out for in Season 2.

Just like any other update, the developers have definitely spent some time listening to community feedback and have thus implemented changes that will appease man. Heavily criticized weapons like the Arctic .50’s insane wall-penetrating power has been reworked in Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 (2021).

Season 2 (2021) Buffs and Nerfs

call of duty mobile buffs and nerfs

For this particular season, the developers have paid more attention to both guns, scorestreaks and perks, which is indicative of the number of changes done in this update. While the number of guns being nerfed or buffed remains high, the actual changes done to them are not that significant except for a few anomalies here and there.

Related: Download Call of Duty: Mobile Season 2 APK (Global)


drh season 2 buffs and nerfs

Buffed or Nerfed? Buffed

The DRH’s most popular stock option, ‘No Stock’ has seen a decrease in ADS Time by 12 percent alongside flinch rates being reduced by 15 percent as well.

DL Q33

dl q33 cod mobile

Buffed or Nerfed? Buffed

The DL Q33’s damage done to legs has been increased to 90 and has also been given higher-wall penetration characteristics.


arctic.50 season 2 buffs and nerfs

Buffed or Nerfed? Nerfed

The Arctic .50’s wall penetrating damage and MIP Stopping Power Reload Attachment’s damage to legs has been reduced. So, a shot fired through a wall isn’t lethal anymore. Moreover, the ADS Time for the gun has been increased alongside the shot interval as well.

War Machine

war machine cod mobile

Buffed or Nerfed? Nerfed

The explosion range and damage itself of the War Machine has been reduced.


Buffed or Nerfed? Nerfed

The Annhilator now deals slightly decreased damage to:

  • The Stealth Chopper
  • XS1 Goliath
  • VTOL
  • Shield Turret
  • Transform Shield

YKM Combat Stock

Buffed or Nerfed? Buffed

When equipping the YKM Combat Stock in your Gunsmith Loadout, you are going to notice an increase in the reduction of ADS speed for the following guns:

  • S36
  • UL736
  • RPD
  • M4LMG

Important Changes

The following aspects of the game have been drastically improved in the latest Season 2 update for both Multiplayer and Battle Royale game modes:

  • Server Tick Rate Improved
  • Player Hitbox when Standing, Crounching and Prostrating Improved
  • Increase in enemy characters’ FPS

Moreover, the FR .556 has also been added to the game:

Battle Royale

  • The ADS accuracy for all weapons has been increased
  • The horizontal and vertical recoil contorl for all weapons has bbeen increased
  • Wing suit landing action improved
  • Projectile distances of all throwable grenades has been increased
  • SMG and Shotgun hip-fire accuracy improved
  • Sniper Rifle recoil control improved

Are you happy with the changes made to the overall game in Season 2 of COD: Mobile or were you expecting more? Let us know in the comments section down below! If you haven’t gotten the APK of the game already, check: Download COD Mobile Season 2 APK

Saad Muzaffar
Saad Muzaffar

Saad is a Computer Sciences enthusiast who has been playing games since his childhood. A huge fan of MOBAs like Dota 2, he's a tech geek with a love for gaming at heart!

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