Trying to figure out the correct class can be tough in Elden Ring since the game hasn’t revealed much about itself. It is only through time that you will learn the correct strategies and builds needed to succeed with your selected character/class. While some of these characters can be traced back to Elden Ring’s predecessor, there are a lot of new ones as well.
If you are looking for a character list for Elden Ring then you are at the right place! This guide will be showing you all the Elden Ring characters available in the game. So pack your bags and join us as we break everything down for you!
All Elden Ring Characters (February 2022)
While the unique style of Elden Ring is something rarely seen in RPGs, its characters can still be traced back to those found in fantasy novels. Every character is good to play, but it is recommended to find a character that suits your playstyle rather than going for the most flashy-looking one.
This list will be showing you every character in Elden Ring so you have enough information to make your choices without any regret! Elden Ring does a good job of catering to a wide variety of players. Therefore, there is always something to play. With that said, let’s head into the characters for Elden Ring!

The Wrench is a poor, purposeless sod, naked as the day they were born. Their main weapon of choice is a club. This is the only class where you start on level 1 and have 10 points in each stat. As for the weapon, players will only have the club.
You can build this class however you like since it is open-ended. However, we do not recommend new players to choose it since there are better options available.
Here are the stats for the Wretch:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 1 |
VIG | 10 |
MND | 10 |
END | 10 |
STR | 10 |
DEX | 10 |
INT | 10 |
FTH | 10 |
ARC | 10 |

The Hero is a stalwart figure that uses battleaxe as their main weapon. Badlands chieftain blood runs in their veins. Having high strength, the Hero has high damage and is ideal for players looking to play a full physical build. You start out with a battleaxe and a leather shield if you choose this class.
Here are the stats for Hero:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 7 |
VIG | 14 |
MND | 9 |
END | 12 |
STR | 16 |
DEX | 9 |
INT | 7 |
FTH | 8 |
ARC | 11 |

The Warrior belongs to a nomad tribe that wields dual blades at a time to cut his enemies. His technique is exceptional and he can decapacitate his enemies with precision. The Warrior has high Dexterity stat. This means that this class excels at using ranged weapons and dealing fair damage from them. Not only that, but Dexterity also determines your damage and proficiency with fast weapons. The Warrior starts with duel-wielding scimitars.
Here are the stats for Warrior:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 8 |
VIG | 11 |
MND | 12 |
END | 11 |
STR | 10 |
DEX | 16 |
INT | 10 |
FTH | 8 |
ARC | 9 |

The Vagabond is an exiled knight that was forced to leave his homeland. He now wanders in a solid, armor-clad origin. Like the Knight class in Dark Souls, the Vagabond has high Vigor. This means that you will have a high health bar; making this class the most beginner-friendly. Having more HP means that you can get away with more mistakes.
Here are the stats for Vagabond:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 9 |
VIG | 15 |
MND | 10 |
END | 11 |
STR | 14 |
DEX | 13 |
INT | 9 |
FTH | 9 |
ARC | 7 |

The Prisoner is a glinstone sorcerer bound in an iron mask. Prior to his sentence, he spent a life of the elite. As you can see from the description of the class, the Prisoner focuses on using sorceries to deal with his enemies.
Having 14 Intelligence and 14 Dexterity means that you will be using sorceries and dealing good damage from them. The Prisoner also starts out with the Magic Glintblade sorcery.
Here are the stats for Prisoner:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 6 |
VIG | 11 |
MND | 12 |
END | 11 |
STR | 8 |
DEX | 14 |
INT | 14 |
FTH | 6 |
ARC | 9 |

The Bandit is a dangerous guy that aims for weak points and excels at archery. The Bandit has high Dexterity and Arcane. There isn’t much known about Arcane right now since nothing major was revealed. Some players speculate that Arcane will affect the summons that you do in Elden Ring.
Here are the stats for him:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 5 |
VIG | 10 |
MND | 11 |
END | 10 |
STR | 9 |
DEX | 13 |
INT | 9 |
FTH | 8 |
ARC | 14 |

As the name suggests, this scholar reads the fate in stars and is also the heir to the school of glintstone sorcery. The Astrologer has high Mind and Intelligence stats. You also get two sorceries when picking this class – Glintstone Pebble and Glintstone Arc. As you can tell by the stats, this class excels at using sorceries so you should build it like a caster.
Here are the stats for Astrologer:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 6 |
VIG | 9 |
MND | 15 |
END | 9 |
STR | 8 |
DEX | 12 |
INT | 16 |
FTH | 7 |
ARC | 9 |

The Samurai is a capable fighter that hails from the distant Land of Reeds. This character is great with katana and longbows. Starting at level 9, the Samurai has high Endurance. Having high Endurance is beneficial as you will have a larger stamina bar and more armor. On top of that, Dexterity is quite high as well. You can build the Samurai like a hybrid class which uses a lot of physical weapons.
Here are the stats for Samurai:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 9 |
VIG | 12 |
MND | 11 |
END | 13 |
STR | 12 |
DEX | 15 |
INT | 9 |
FTH | 8 |
ARC | 8 |

The confessor is the spy of a church adept at covert operations. This character is also good at swords and incantations. Keep in mind that this is the only class that starts out at level 10. While no particular stat is favored, the Faith stat is somewhat higher than others. Plus, you get two incantations – Assassin Approach and Urgent Heal.
Here are stats for Confessor:
Stat | Value |
LVL | 10 |
VIG | 10 |
MND | 13 |
END | 10 |
STR | 12 |
DEX | 12 |
INT | 9 |
FTH | 14 |
ARC | 9 |

Lastly, we have the Prophet who is a seer ostracized for inauspicious prophecies. Prophets are well-versed in healing incantations. If you choose this class, you will start out with two incantations – Oh, Flame, and Heal. One is a damage-dealing spell while the other will heal you for a portion of your HP.
Since this is a magic-focused class, the Prophet has high Faith. Going the full Faith is the ideal way to play this class. However, you can also try out mixing incantations with it to see how it goes.
Stat | Value |
LVL | 7 |
VIG | 10 |
MND | 14 |
END | 8 |
STR | 11 |
DEX | 10 |
INT | 7 |
FTH | 16 |
ARC | 10 |
Those are all the characters available in Elden Ring. Do let us know if we have missed any in the comments below.
The game has just opened up today to reviewers with a massive perfect score, which only means we are even more hyped up for Elden Ring to release in two days. What are your thoughts on the above-mentioned characters? Which one do you see yourself playing with most often? Let us know in the comments below!