Elden Ring offers various weapons like swords, hammers, spears, and hatchets just to name a few. If you are going for a dexterity and strength hybrid build, the Icerind Hatchet is a good choice. That is why this guide will take a look at where to find the Icerind Hatchet in Elden Ring.
The good thing is that you can get this hatchet early in the game. However, if you do not know where to look for it, you might completely miss it since it is located in an optional area. Worry not because we will show you where to find the Icerind Hatchet in Elden Ring.
Elden Ring: Where to Find Icerind Hatchet in Elden Ring

If you are a new player, chances are that you will be going for strength or a dexterity build. To get your hands on this weapon, make your way to the Raya Lucaria Academy. However, do not enter the Academy, instead, head on over to the nearby Temple Quarter. You can find it at the West of the Academy itself.
Once in the area, clear the enemies – or don’t – and open the chest to get the Icerind Hatchet. This item is one of the best for dealing Frostbite damage. It also has the Hoarfrost Stomp ability. Frostbite not only deals damage to the enemy but also lowers their damage absorption by 20%, and stamina recovery as well. The ability of this hatchet allows you to slam the ground and leave behind a trail of freezing mist.

The Scepter has a scaling of E in STR, and D in DEX. However, you require 11 and 16 stats respectively to properly wield the hatchet. Don’t worry since you’ll have these stats by the time you reach this area if you are going for this build. Since this is primarily a DEX weapon, the scaling will be B once you fully upgrade it.
That’s everything you need to know about where to find the Icerind Hatchet in Elden Ring. You can get the weapon early on in the game so make sure that you pick it up if you are going for a DEX/STR hybrid build. If you are incorporating Faith into your build, then we suggest picking up the Devourer’s Scepter.
Let us know if you managed to get the Icerind Hatchet. We would also love to know what your favorite weapon is in Elden Ring.