How to Get Bow and Arrow Blueprint in Dying Light 2

Looking for ways to find the Bow and Arrows in Dying light 2? You have come to the right place! While players will be mostly dependent on melee movements in the early hours of the game, Dying Light 2 will still present you with a wide range of weapons and weapon types to choose from. This not only makes the game more fun but also adds a brand new layer to the game.

While the thought of going Rambo against these enemy hordes sounds extremely fun, there will be times when you will have to go the silent and strategic route. The Bow seems like an ideal weapon for this. The bow is an obtainable weapon in Dying Light 2 but where can you find it? Join us, as we show you how to get Bow and Arrows Blueprint in Dying Light 2.

How to Find Bow and Arrows Blueprint in Dying Light 2

Although the main story route allows you to get the weapon by default at some point, it will still not hurt to know when this is gonna happen. In order to get the Bow and Arrow Blueprint, you need to complete a mission called Let’s Waltz. The mission itself is a part of the main story so there’s no helping it.

The Let’s Waltz mission becomes accessible after a good 8 to 10 hours into the game. The location of this Quest is in the second region and is fairly easy to clear. This story quest will automatically give you the blueprint of Bow and Arrows as soon as you clear it.

That is how you can unlock the Bow and Arrows Blueprint in Dying Light 2. Let us know about the time it took you to reach this quest. We would love to know what you think about the game so far.

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Muhib Nadeem
Muhib Nadeem

Muhib is a huge anime fan that loves playing and writing about video games. As a CS student, he loves to get crafty in MOBAs. You will hear him talk about tech and food 24 hours a day!

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