For a Final Fantasy fan, there are two things they would be playing the game after the release of Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker. One of them would be to enjoy the new layer of content being added to the game, and the other would be to reach the top by getting the highest level cap and clearing out the game as soon as possible. This guide will help you get that level cap down and ensure that you get through the Endwalker Questline as quickly as possible.
The new Endwalker expansion has brought in a lot of new content to the game, such as new abilities and two new classes, the Reaper and Sage. However, these different features and quests get unlocked after you have reached a certain level in the game. This game will help you reach the top of that cap and get to level 90 as soon as possible.
Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker Level Cap | How To Reach Level 90
There are quite a few ways for you to grind level in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, and get your hands on all the new content. In this guide, we have collected the best ways found on the internet and decided to make the ultimate list for grinding to level 90 fast!

The best way, yet the most luck dependant one to get your hands on the content released for Sage and Reaper is to go play the Roulettes. However, you are only allowed to play 10 rounds of roulette each day, and will take you about an hour because of the cutscenes being added to the game.
Pixie Beast Tribe Quests

One of the best ways to get a large number of XP is to take on the Pixie Beast Tribe Quests and level up faster. The quests get refreshed very frequently giving you the best chance of gathering a large number of XP.
The Bozjan Southern Front

Another questline that grants you a large amount of XP is The Bozjan Southern Front. This area is one of the fastest ways to get to at least level 85, however, the area is usually very busy and swarming with people so make sure you pick the best time to grind.
XP Boosts
Although not an area in itself, you get countless XP boosts throughout the main storyline and you can use them for your runs through the above-mentioned dungeon to make the process a lot more effective and efficient.
And there you have it! These are all the ways to hasten the process of reaching Level 90. Are you having trouble with something else in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker? Let us know in the comment section below.