Halo Infinite has been one of the biggest titles to have been released in recent times and rightfully so as the Halo franchise has been one of the biggest names to have ever graced the genre of FPS games. We have designed this guide to help you find out all the unlockable Gun Variants in Halo Infinite.
When you enter the open world of Halo Infinite, you will encounter a lot of mobs that you can grind against and collect a lot of collectibles and achievements, however, there are a few special targets you need to be on the lookout for. These are the HVTs or the High-Value Targets that you can kill to get your hands on the powerful variants of your everyday guns and have them permanently unlocked in any of the FOB Lockers.
Halo Infinite: How To Unlock All Gun Variants
To unlock different gun variants, you first need to take over the FOB locker of a specific region and then defeat the HVT of that region. After you take over the FOB, the location of the HVT in the region will get highlighted on your map. You can now look for them easily and defeat them. This will allow you to access the more powerful variant of a weapon from your controlled FOB lockers. So without further ado, let us get right into the details about which region is home to which variant of the weapon.
- Okro ‘Vagaduun: Can be located after taking over the FOB Golf. He is a miniboss which has a duelist sword equipped and can use invisibility. He will provide you with a variant of the Duelist Energy Sword.

- Briglard: The location of this bos will be revealed after you take over the Foxtrot FOB. Defeating this mini-boss will give you access to the Unbound Plasma Pistol, which charges significantly faster than its normal variant.

- Ik’Novus: You will be able to find out Ik’Novus location after you take over the Echo FOB. Defeating this boss wil lgive you access to the Volatile Skewer that explodes when penetrating an enemy.

- Balkarus: Balkarus will be visible for players to take on after capturing the Charlie FOB. He will unlock the Riven Mangler. This mangler shoots three bullets together in a tight spread, making it much more powerful than the regular counterpart.

- Thav ‘Sebarim: You will be able to find Thav ‘Sebarim after taking over the Bravo FOB. This miniboss will unlock the Arcane Sentinel Beam, that shoots a much more powerful beam than the normal one.

- Bipbap: The location of Bipbap is revealed after taking over the Alpha FOB. Taking him down will unlock the Calcine Disruptor at your nearest FOB.

- Arthoc: The location of Arthoc is revealed after you take over the November FOB. Taking down Arthoc will unlock the Ravager Rebound for you, which is an upgraded version of the normal Ravager.

- Barroth: The location of Barroth is revealed after taking over hte Lima FOB. Defeating him will unlock the Stalker Rifle Ultra for you. This is an enhanced cannon that has the ability to fire a lot more rounds before overheating.

- Zeretus: The location of Zeretus can also be unlocked when you take care of the November FOB. Defeating Zeretus will provide you with the M41 Tracker, a rocket launcher that tracks its targets!

- Writh Kul: Writh Kul can be located after capturing the Kilo FOB. He will provide you with a Pinpoint Needler, which is a faster and much more accurate variant of the regular Needler.

- Inka ‘Saham: After capturing the FOB Delta you will be able to locate Inka ‘Saham. Defeating him will unlock the Rapidfire Plasma Carbine for you to use.

- Myriad: The Myriad can be found after capturing the FOB Juliet. Killing this boss will give you access to the Backdraft Cindershot, which is an amazing weapon to take care of larger mobs as the shot from it jumps around 3 times and wherever it jumps from explodes.

- Skimmer Alpha: The location of Skimmer Alpha is also revealed after you have taken care of the FOB Juliet. Defeating this boss will provide you with access to Purging Shock Rifle, which sounds Amazing!

- Ordo ‘Mal: The location for Ordo ‘Mal is unlocked after you have successfully captured the FOB Hotel. After you defeat him, you will be able to get your hands on the Scatterbound Heatwave which also adds a bouncing effect to the pellets.

- En ‘Geddon: Similar to the Ordo ‘Mal, the location for the En ‘Geddon is also unlocked after you have captured the FOB Hotel. after defeating him, you will be able to unlock, my personal favorite, The Rushdown Hammer. A hammer that creates powerful explosions when brought down on someone.

So there you have it. These are all the HVTs that you can find in Halo Infinite, that will help you unlock all the Weapon Variants available in the game.
Did you find this guide to be helpful for you? Is there anything else in the game that you might require assistance with? Let us know in the comment section below.