We’ll take you through the Hypnos’s Eyes Island in Lost Ark and discuss how to acquire the island token, which quests to complete, where all the Mokoko Seeds are, and how to raise rapport levels with Blue-Eyed Calvasus.
Lost Ark Hypnos’s Eyes Island Location
You’ll be traveling to the Sea of Aira and then start sailing east, towards the Great Sea, and you’ll eventually cross the Hypnos’s Eyes Island.

The main questline takes about 1hour to complete, and the item level for this island is 460 (T2).
How to Acquire the Hypnos’s Eyes Island Token?
To acquire the Hypnos’s Eye Island token, you need to raise your Rapport level with the Blue-Eyed Calvasus NPC. You can start increasing your friendship with this NPC after completing the “Let’s Welcome Guests!” quest.
You need to have a total of 80 Courage and 70 Charisma and a total of 38,200 rapport experience to receive the Hypnos’s Eye Island Token from him as a reward. Don’t expect it to happen overnight, as it can take you almost 2 months to max out your rapport with this NPC.
Hypnos’s Eyes Island Quests
Now, we’ll be looking at all the main quests on Hypnos’s Eyes Island and talking about their rewards and materials. There are 6 quests in this chain, and their details are as follows:
Scoop, Hypnos’s Eyes
The first quest in this chain has you listening to Burnstein as he explains the plan of action. Then, you need to accompany him to different locations around the island until he has taken enough photos to conclude the quest. You’ll get the following rewards for completing this quest:
- Silver (20k)
- Lavish Guardian Stone Chest (6)
- Lavish Life Leapstone Chest (4)
- Roster XP (110)
- Lavish Destruction Stone Chest (3)
Blue-Eyed Calvasus
This simple quest can be completed by letting Blue-Eyed Calvasus interrogate you and receive the following materials:
- Silver (4400)
- Lavish Guardian Stone Chest (13)
- Lavish Life Leapstone Chest (1)
- Roster XP (80)
- Lavish Destruction Stone Chest (1)
Hypnos Challenger
Go to the arena and talk to Logan to participate in the arena. Then, all you need to do is win the arena and receive the following rewards:
- Silver (6000)
- Splendid Guardian Stone Chest (18)
- Lavish Life Leapstone Chest (1)
- Roster XP (110)
- Splendid Destruction Stone Chest (14)
Welcoming the Guests
This quest requires you to talk to different NPCs, and then eventually, you’ll be asked to sling water balloons on the slacking pirates. Completing the “Welcoming the Guests” quest will net you these mats:
- Silver (8000)
- Splendid Guardian Stone Chest (24)
- Lavish Life Leapstone Chest (2)
- Roster XP (145)
- Splendid Destruction Stone Chest (18)
Cheers to All
All you need to do in this quest is to chill and party with people in the tavern and use the Cheers emote. You will get the following rewards for completing this quest:
- Silver (6000)
- Splendid Guardian Stone Chest (18)
- Lavish Life Leapstone Chest (4)
- Roster XP (110)
- Splendid Destruction Stone Chest (14)
Go and show the camera to Calvasus and then talk to Warden Tyson to conclude the quest.
- Silver (6000)
- Lavish Guardian Stone Chest (2)
- Splendid Destruction Stone Chest (14)
- Splendid Life Shard Chest [M] (6)
- Roster XP (110)
- Stat Increase Potion (1)
Lost Ark Hypnos’s Eyes Island Mokoko Seeds Locations
There are 5 Mokoko Seeds on this island, and their locations have been marked in the images below. We’ve also written descriptive instructions on how to get to these locations.
Mokoko Seeds #1
The first Mokoko Seed can be looted off the ground from the front of the island. The exact location can be seen in the screenshot attached below.

Mokoko Seeds #2 & #3
For the next 2 Mokoko Seeds, you’ll be heading to the tavern and picking up the one seed from the far right-most corner of the room and another one from the 2nd floor of the bar.

Mokoko Seeds #4
Then you need to go towards the right side of the island, and you’ll be able to spot the seed next to some pots if you go to the location marked below.

Mokoko Seeds #5
The final Mokoko Seed on Hypnos’s Eyes Island is hidden underground, and the trap door entrance can be found in the area highlighted below.

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