Shenhe Build Guide | DPS & Support (Genshin Impact 2.4)

With the latest update of Genshin Impact, there are two new characters introduced. Shenhe is a 5-star character that uses the Cryo element. If you managed to get Shenhe, you will want to know her build paths. That is why this guide will show you the two builds – DPS and Support – so that you can maximize her strength. With that said, let’s take a look at the Shenhe support and DPS build.

Since the character is extremely new, there is no certain build available right now. However, after trying out various things, we concluded that the mentioned two builds work well with her. With that said, let’s dive right in and take a look at the Shenhe builds. And oh, we have also covered the best support build for Yun Jin – so do check it out.

Shenhe DPS and Support Build | Genshin Impact

Shenhe is primarily a DPS character that players thought was a sub-DPS or support. Her passive talent increases the party’s Elemental Skill and Burst damage by 15%. While her base stats do not make her the best DPS character, her passive is extremely useful for your entire team. To ascend her, you need Whopperflower Nectar, Qingxin, and the newest item; Dragonair’s False Fin.

Best Weapon for Shenhe

Shenhe Support and DPS Build Guide in Genshin Impact

Combining both her support and attack makes her a potent force. Being a polearm user, the best one for her is the Calamity Queller. This 5-star weapon was introduced in this update as well. The secondary stats increase your attack damage as well as elemental damage by 12%. After using an elemental skill, all your characters will gain bonus attack damage. This buff can occur even if the weapon bearer is not on the field.

Shenhe Support and DPS Build Guide in Genshin Impact

Alternatively, you can choose the Engulfing Lightning polearm as well. This polearm is the signature weapon of the Raiden Shogun. The attack stats start from 46 and go all the way to 608. However, the best part is that the passive increases your attack by 28/35/42/49/56%, based on your current Energy Recharge over the base 100%.

Artifacts for Shenhe

To make the most of Shenhe, you will want to distribute your artifacts between her attack and elemental damage. The first thing you will want to do is to gain bonus Cryo damage. The best artifact set for this is the Blizzard Strayer as having 2 items of this set equipped will give you +15%.

As far as your attack damage goes, equipping the Gladiator’s Finale set will give you the best results. Having the 2 item boost will allow Shenhe to gain an additional 18% attack damage.

Best Party Setup With Shenhe

Shenhe’s passive is extremely useful that can make any team – even if you have all free characters – perform well. We suggest having Ayaka or Chongyun in your team. Both of them will make short work of enemies thanks to Shenhe’s passive.

Picking Barbara as your second character will not only allow you to have a good hydro character but also a strong healer. For the final slot, we suggest picking Baal – or any electro character for that matter. Your electro character will trigger Superconduct and reduce the enemy’s defense.

That was the best DPS or support build for Shenhe in Genshin Impact. There are tons of other builds to try as well but this one seems to work best right now. We would love to know what build you are currently using. Let us know in the comments below if you managed to get Shenhe yet or not.

And in case you want to read up our build for the other newly launched character, Yun Jin, you can read so here: Yun Jin Support Build Guide.

Umer Cheema
Umer Cheema

By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima.

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