How to Unlock Overwatch Anniversary Remix Weekly Skins

One of the most exciting events Overwatch players actively look forward to are the seasonal events for the game. Overwatch has had a ton of iconic events through its life-cycle because of the fun extra modes they brought back for the game. Be it Lucioball for the Summer Games or Junkrat’s Revenge for Halloween the seasonal events almost always bring something new to the table.

Now that Overwatch 2 is somewhere on the horizon, Blizzard has announced these last few events for the hero shooter that took the world by storm way back in 2016. The developers at Blizzard are currently running the Anniversary Remix Volume One Event for Overwatch which remixes a handful of skins from past events with some minor alterations.

All Overwatch Anniversary Remix Skins:

The Overwatch Anniversary Remix Skins will be a recolor of past skins from Overwatch with some minor changes. Players will unlock these skins as always through loot boxes or in-game purchases. Another thing that should be mentioned is that the cosmetics for all previous Anniversary events will also be available during Anniversary Remix Volume One. Following are all the new legendary remixed skins in the Anniversary Remix Volume One event.

Mage Mercy:

Steelhardt Reinhardt

White Cat D.Va

Demon Genji

Evermore Reaper

Zealot Zenyatta

These are all the new Legendary Skins that are present in the Overwatch Anniversary Remix Volume One. Blizzard has also confirmed that all cosmetics unlocked in this event, as well as in all previous events will carry over to Overwatch 2 when its out.

Overwatch Anniversary Remix: All Weekly Skins

Aside from this, Blizzard have also announced three weekly skins that players will be able to unlock by fulfilling certain combat challenges. We’ll go over them down below.

Week 1 – Nano Cola D.Va:

Originally introduced in the Nano Cola Challenge mini-event, this is a rare epic skin for D.Va that many may not have had the chance to obtain. So players who want to get the Nano Cola D.Va skin have one week to do so.

To unlock this skin players just have to play 27 games in a week. Which is a lot more commitment that should be required for a skin that’s a basic color palette swap but its a great opportunity for those who don’t want to miss out on any rare skins.

Week 2 – Bastet Ana

Originally introduced in the Ana’s Bastet Challenge way back in 2019. This rare Ana skin had been lost to time until recently when it has been announced that it will run for the second week of the Overwatch Anniversary Remix Volume One event.

Once again to obtain this skin players will have to play 27 games during Week 2.

Week 3 – Combat Medic Baptiste

Originally introduced in the Reunion challenge, this is another epic skin that was mostly forgotten until its return in the Overwatch Anniversary Remix event.

Yet again, to obtain this skin players will have to play 27 games during Week 3 of the event.

Personally, these are some very weird choices of skins to highlight if you want your players to grind for them so hard but this will probably be very exciting for completionists who want to have every single skin for every character or their one favorite character.

And these are all the skins you’ll be able to unlock in the Anniversary Remix Volume event for Overwatch, we hope you found this guide helpful. For more guides on the newest games around, check out our Guides Section!

Nameer Zia
Nameer Zia

Yakuza fan, will give his life for the Tojo clan. Nameer will finally be happy when Bloodborne comes out on PC. At BRGeeks, you will mostly find him writing about Elden Ring which is his new favourite time-killer activity.

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