With the recent release of the GTA: The Definitive Edition, players are already modding the game to improve the experience. While the games are quite fun-to-play on their own, adding mods to them enhances the gameplay a lot. That is why this guide will show you the best Grand Theft Auto: The Definitive Edition mods available right now.
There are tons of mods available but the ones mentioned in this guide are popular in the community. These mods are ranged from texture overhauls to improving the level of detail for the games. With that said, let’s take a look at the 5 best Grand Theft Auto: The Definitive Edition mods.
Grand Theft Auto: The Definitive Edition Mods
The community has been working hard to improve the Definitive Edition games so that every type of player can enjoy the game. All of the mentioned mods are extremely useful and will improve your game both visually and in terms of gameplay. While Rockstar did a great job adding new features to the game, some of these mods were needed since the game lacked a few basic features. With that said, let’s get right into it.
Disclaimer: These mods are meant to be used for educational purposes only.
Improved Rain

The rain in GTA: Definitive Edition can look quite overwhelming as it hinders the vision of players. Most of the time, it is extremely difficult to look past the rain and see what’s ahead of you. Luckily, this mod fixes the issue and makes the rain look beautiful. The good news is that this mod is available for all three games so you can add it to all of them.
Plus, you can even remove the ripple effect if it is bothering you. Hopefully, we get a patch soon that fixes the rain issue as well since it is quite frustrating trying to navigate through it.
All Radio Stations/Songs Restored
Unfortunately, Rockstar had to remove many of the songs due to either copyright issues or their license being expired. We all can agree that the period-appropriate songs in all three of these games enhanced their appeal even more. The good news is that there is a mod that brings back all the songs and radio stations in all three of the games.
Improved Textures For Tommy Vercetti

Despite receiving a massive bump in quality, players were quite disappointed by how Tommy Vercetti looked in GTA Vice City. Some players complained that the character model looked lifeless and blocky. Installing the Tommy Vercetti mod alters the character model to match the original one. It gives him a better look and bumps up the texture resolution as well. Since he is the main character, it is fair to install this mod since you are basically looking at Tommy the entire time.
Enhanced Level of Detail

Rockstar did a great job improving the textures and level of detail in the Definitive Edition of GTA. Unfortunately, it still felt like something was lacking. Either due to the draw distance or having low quality of anti-aliasing. Installing the better LOD mod allows the game to have an amazing level of detail. From small street lamps to car details from afar, this mod does it all. You can install this mod across all three games.
More Vehicle Variety in GTA San Andreas

Players have been noticing that the remastered version of San Andreas didn’t have a variety of vehicles like the original. If you need to add diverse cars to the game, installing this mod will be a good idea. This not only adds more vehicles to the game but also adds more traffic to the game. Keep in mind that this mod can only be installed in GTA San Andreas and won’t work with other games.
That about does it for our guide about the best Grand Theft Auto: The Definitive Edition mods. Installing these mods will improve your gameplay and fix a few of the issues that are present in the game. Some of the mentioned mods are only applicable to one game while the others can be used in all three games. Let us know which mod is your favorite and why in the comments below.