Lost Ark has taken the MMORPG world by storm and fans are inhaling everything that it has to give. From the quests to the tedious grind everything has the players intrigued and they are finding new ways to make each aspect of the game more efficient.
Along with the content, players are expected to keep up with all the various kinds of currencies that are present in the game to indulge in the specific purpose they are made for. Pirate Coins are one such currency that is hard to come by if you are not aware of their effective farming methods. And we will be discussing just that here.
Pirate Coins in Lost Ark

Pirate Coins are the required currency to purchase upgrade items for your ship in Lost Ark. These coins are given to the various traveling merchants you encounter while sailing on the open seas. As this currency is hard to come by players are advised to not spend it on items that are easily available to purchase elsewhere with Silver or Gold. Keep the Pirate Coins only for meaningful ship upgrades and other valuable naval resources.
How To Get Pirate Coins in Lost Ark
To keep the flow of Pirate Coins healthy you should look into this way we have discovered that nets in a good amount each day. The normal way is to get them through co-op dailies, but what we are about to tell ha better return.

Make your way to Kalthertz Island near Shushire. Players usually visit this location to complete the daily challenge of freeing prisoners. However, you can visit this location regardless if the challenge is there or not to release 5 prisoners at most. You can do this 5 times for each of your Alts or alternate characters you have created as the currencies are shared amongst all of the characters on an account.
Related: How to Unlock All Ships in Lost Ark
In Kalthertz Island to make the most of your investment you need to release only a specific set of prisoners. Only focus on buying the 900 Pirate Coin Male prisoners and the 600 Pirate Coin Female Prisoners. The other prisoners will have a similar character model as these so familiarize yourself with only these two prisoners. These prisoners will give the best Pirate Coin return.

Go around this island and look for these prisoners and buy them before other players do. Swap channels to reset the prisoners if all of the above are gone. Collect 5 of these as and when you can find of the two between the channels. You can get all 5 prisoners with this swapping method in under 5 minutes.

Now open your mail menu to view the rewards these prisoners have given you. How many Pirate Coins you can get is a matter of RNG and sometimes they don’t reward anything but sometimes, as seen in the picture below with 3,300 Pirate Coin reward, they reward great sums of coins that easily recover all the amount you spend on them. Do this and you will surely turn a positive net. Add alternate characters into the mix and viola you will be swimming in Pirate Coins.

Was this guide helpful in getting you Pirate Coins fast? What other ways you think are there to get Pirate Coins faster? Let us know in the comments below.