How to Get Secret Boxes In Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier brings in a lot of new mechanisms and features that the world of battle royales has never seen before. And this has caused new players a lot of distress as to how to go about things. One of these newly added features is the Secret Boxes. As these boxes are super rare and only spawn occasionally, players have been trying to figure out how they can get their hands on it and unveil its mysteries.

Secret Boxes are an item that passes everything else in superiority because of the few conditions that have been incorporated with them, such as the ability to only carry one such box in a game. That also includes Secret Boxes from events. In case you are faced with a challenge to carry 10 different Secret Boxes, you would need to play 10 different matches.

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier | How To Get Secret Boxes

There are a few ways where you can get Secret Boxes, however, do note that none of these guarantees a box drop, and your luck will play a big role in you finding a Secret Box. So without any further ado, let’s just jump right into it.


ff7 first soldier chest Cropped

The easiest way to get your hands on a Secret Box is to find a chest. However, due to the high number of chests all around the map, it is a little difficult to tell which might have a Secret Box and which might not. Although you might be able to get better weapons, depending on Chests to get a Secret box seems like a long shot, however, it is not impossible.

Supply Drops

ff7 first soldier supply drop Cropped

Supply drops, similar to PUBG, are drops that fall from the sky throughout the match and are laced with premium loot. These drops have a very high chance of dropping you a Secret Box, however, beware that you won’t be the only one who’d be looking for these supply drops, and your quest for a Secret Box might quickly turn into a bloody battlefield.


ff7 first soldier chest and bomb Cropped

The final way of getting your hands on a Secret Box is to take on monsters and they have a chance of dropping one. The higher the difficulty of the monster, the higher will be the chances of you getting a Secret Box. However, if you play it smart, and wait for the ending phases of the game, the chances of a Secret Box being dropped from even a normal monster go up quite significantly.

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There you have it! That’s how you can get your hands on a Secret Box in Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier. Are you concerned with anything else in the game? Let us know in the comment section below!

Taaha Muffasil
Taaha Muffasil

Content Creator by profession, video game enthusiast by passion, Taaha has spent a long time writing engaging blogs for the entertainment niches and an even longer time behind a computer screen trying out every title that comes out.

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