How to Get the Heavy Shotgun in Fortnite (March 2022)

Heavy Shotgun has returned to Fortnite in the latest update and we have complete information on it for your reading pleasure. Fortnite fans have been stoked to welcome the re-release of the Heavy shotgun as it will not only make the competition more interesting but will also reintroduce the all-or-nothing playstyle in Fortnite Battle Royale.

Curious for the best places to find this menace of a weapon? Don’t worry as we have just the information for you! Head below to find out the best tips and tricks on how to get the Heavy Shotgun in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1.

What is the Heavy Shotgun?

The Heavy Shotgun, as the name suggests is a Shotgun weapon that is a heavier version of the common and uncommon tactical shotgun and is available in Rare, Epic, and Legendary ratings. The Heavy shotgun works on a Pump-action mechanism and is well known for its x2.5 Headshot multiplier.

The Heavy Shotgun was vaulted in Patch 7.30, making it available only in Playground and Creative. The main reason for this was the addition of the Epic and Legendary Pump Shotgun that made this weapon obsolete.

Heavy Shotgun – Stats

Still don’t understand the hype around Heavy shotgun? Don’t worry we got you covered. Due to its high headshot damage, the Heavy shotgun can easily become a monster in the hands of people with good aim.

Here are the stats for the Common variant of the Heavy Shotgun.

Stats Values
Shooting Type1 Pellet
Fire Rate1.3
Reload Time4.8s

Here are the Stats for the Legendary variant of the Heavy Shotgun in Fortnite.

Stats Values
Shooting Type1 Pellet
Fire Rate1.3
Reload Time3.9s

Where to Find Heavy Shotgun in Fortnite

While the damage on Heavy Shotgun is pretty insane, it’s meaningless if you can’t find one. Luckily we know the loot items in Fortnite that can drop Heavy Shotgun. Just like regular weapons, this weapon can be obtained from Chests & Floor Loot.

That is not all, Heavy shotgun also has a decent chance of being dropped from Supply Drops & Sharks so keep an eye out for them if you really want to get a taste of the Pelle action!

We hope that you now know the ways to get the Heavy Shotgun in Fortnite. How has been your experience with the revamped shotgun so far? Let us know in the comments below.

For more tips & tricks related to Fortnite, head to our guides section or you can try How to fix “Cloud Download Failure Error” in Fortnite.

Muhib Nadeem
Muhib Nadeem

Muhib is a huge anime fan that loves playing and writing about video games. As a CS student, he loves to get crafty in MOBAs. You will hear him talk about tech and food 24 hours a day!

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