Here is a very detailed look at all the buffs and nerfs happening to guns in COD Mobile Season 12. The update itself will be released on the 11th of November. It brings with it a large number of new updates and exclusive content to the game. Today, we’re going to be looking at all the buffs and nerfs made to guns in Season 12.
Just like every other season in Call of Duty: Mobile, the developers listen to community feedback regarding various guns and implement changes accordingly. This season is no different with drastic changes being done to guns like the Fennec and Razorback so that they can better suit the current meta.
Season 12 Buffs and Nerfs
Firstly, it is important to note that guns have been mainly nerfed and buffed in this patch just like the previous one. This means that throwables / classes have been mainly left unaltered as the community does not provide a lot of feedback regarding them.
Now, we’re going to look at each gun change in detail and see if it has been buffed or nerfed.
Buffed Or Nerfed? Buffed.
The bullet-spread of the Cordite has been improved quite drastically. This means that the gun can now be used at longer ranges much more accurately.

Buffed Or Nerfed? Buffed
The Razorback has been buffed quite a bit even though it had its place in the previous meta. This means that the Razorback will now be a top-tier gun in Season 12. The gun’s horizontal recoil, vertical recoil stability and its mid-range damage range have been buffed quite significantly.

Buffed Or Nerfed? Buffed
The Fennec has been buffed quite heavily has well. The bullet spread of the Fennec when shooting coniniously, the horizontal recoil stability and the upper limit of recoil have all been improved quite a bit.

Buffed Or Nerfed? Buffed
The damage of the AK117 to the upper body and its mid-range combat ability have both been improved.

Buffed Or Nerfed? Nerfed
The range and bullet spread of the KRM-262 has been reduced quite a bit from the previous patch.

Buffed or Nerfed? Nerfed
The BY-15 had an insane range in the previous patch. Thankfully, that range has been reduced by quite a large margin.

Buffed or Nerfed? Buffed
The overall recoil pattern and the stability of the BK-57 has been improved quite a bit.

Buffed or Nerfed? Nerfed
The Echo Shotgun has been a part of the meta since the start of the Anniversary Update. However, in Season 12, its damage range has been reduced by a significant margin.
Operator Skills
Only two operator skills have been buffed / nerfed this time around. They are:
Shadow Blade
Buffed Or Nerfed? Nerfed
The duration of the dreaded Shadow Blade has been reeduced. Moreover, the energy / time required to be able to use it in a match has been increased as well.
Shield Turret
Buffed Or Nerfed? Nerfed
The duration of the Shield Turret has been reeduced. Moreover, the energy / time required to be able to use it in a match has been increased as well. Throwing weapons will now deal damage to the Shield Turret. Moreover, it can now be destroyed by an EMP.
This concludes our article on all the buffs and nerfs in Season 12. Stay tuned for more exclusive content about the update!