Riot Games has just released the new Valorant Update 5.08, and here is the full list of patch notes for you to read. This is the start of Episode 5 Act III and that means there’s a number of new things that aren’t featured below: the return of the Ion skinline, a whole new Battlepass and a reset of ranks. Apart from that, this update includes a number of new bug fixes and the new agent called Harbor that has been listed in this article.
All the relevant information you may need to know regarding the Valorant patch notes for Update 5.08 is covered below in the next section. You should check your game launcher for the patch and download / install it right away on your PC. We do not yet have the file size of this release, but will add it here later.
Valorant Patch Notes: Update 5.08

Here are the official patch notes for Valorant Update 5.08 that is now rolling out to all the supported platforms of the game:

- Learn his abilities on our Agents page. Check out our Valorant tier list!
- Fixed an issue where friendly versions of area-damage abilities could overwrite enemy versions of those abilities to deal less damage
- Fixed a bug where Viper’s Toxic Screen could have small gaps around ground level in specific map locations
- Fixed various minimap bugs:
- Ally position indicators would persist on the edge of minimap even after ally came back into view
- In some cases, KAY/O’s Suppression Blade position indicator could appear twice on the minimap
- Opening the larger map (defaulted to Caps Lock and ‘M’) during round transition could cause spawn barriers to appear as a single pixel
- “Recently Seen Enemy” icon indicators could sometimes update their position without the enemy being visible
- Fixed a sliver line of sight from A Main to A Link

- Fixed issue where KAY/O’s NULL/CMD disabled Killjoy’s Turret if the turret is hit by a pulse but Killjoy is not
- Fixed issue where Killjoy’s Turret fires straight forward after firing at an enemy and then losing sight of them
- Fixed issue where Killjoy’s Turret would fire with no target when coming online if it was disabled while firing at a target
- Fixed a bug where Phoenix would not automatically re-equip a weapon at the end of Run It Back
- Fixed Breach’s Rolling Thunder showing dead enemies hit in the combat report
- Fixed issue where if a player was deafened by multiple sources, when the first deafen ended it removed the deafening effect completely
If you’d like to read more game updates and news, check out our Patch Notes section.
Source: Riot Games