This time around, 343 Games are trying out a different formula with the Halo series. The recently launched Halo Infinite is an open-world game that features tons of various locations that you can visit and explore. One such location – The Excavation Site – is a large area that features tons of treasure and enemies. That is why this guide will show you all Excavation Site collectibles in Halo Infinite.
There are a total of six collectibles found in this area. It might be difficult to find them all if you do not know where they are located. With that said, this guide will show you where to find all Excavation Site collectibles in Halo Infinite.
Halo Infinite: All Excavation Site Collectibles

First and foremost, you must know where to find this location. If you open your map, you will find this area in the northwest region. If you are having trouble finding this place, you can go to the Outpost Tremonious and move south from there. Likewise, you can go to The Tower and travel northeast. You will come across this location when you progress through the campaign. Once you are in the area, we suggest that you proceed with caution as there are tons of enemies all over the place. If you are having difficulties dealing with them, make sure that you have the best sensitivity settings for Mouse/Keyboard if you’re on PC or the best controller settings if you are on Xbox.
Spartan Cores

The Excavation Site is home to two Spartan Cores. The first one of these cores can be found on the high cliffs that overlook the site. If you do not know what the cores look like, worry not because they are quite easy to find. The cores can be found inside of a large box that is glowing green. To get to this area, face the drill and turn left. You will be able to climb some cliffs and will find the Spartan Core at the top.
To find the second core, you must enter the site and face the laser drill. Once you are facing the drill, turn to the right and look for the container with the Ghost inside of it. There, you’ll find the Spartan Core sitting in a box on the rafters. This one can be a little difficult to find but just look to the rafters and you’ll find it.
Mjolnir Armory

Now it’s time to find the Mjolnir Armory. To do so, you have to be outside of the site and face the drill. Then, turn left and jump the barricades against the small cliff. From there, you will be able to follow a small path that will lead you to a turret. Look down the cliff where the turret is located and you’ll spot the Mjolnir Armory.
Banished Audio Log

Progress through your mission at the Excavation Site until you reach the room where you have to deactivate the laser drill. Continue playing through the mission as you would normally un until you reach the switch that will deactivate the drill. Before pressing the switch, keep facing it and turn left to find the Banished Audio Log. These audio logs give an orange glow so they are not difficult to miss.
UNSC Audio Logs

The first of these audio logs can be found near the Banished Audio Log. When you collect the Banished audio log, turn left and follow the path that leads you to the area where the gravity lift would bring you into the building. Once you enter that room, search one of the corners and you’ll find the first UNSC Audio Log.
For the second log, you’ll have to go outside of the Excavation Site. You need to follow the pathway that is situated behind the drill. Eventually, you’ll find some metal platforms on top of the dirt pathway. Follow these platforms until you reach the wreckage near the two charred tree trunks. Search around the tree trunk that is on the ground and you will find the second UNSC Audio Log.
With that, you will find all six collectibles that can be found in the Excavation Site area in Halo Infinite. Let us know if managed to find all six collectibles or not. We would love to know your thoughts regarding your gameplay experience so far.