Inti Creates just released this new Blaster Master Zero 3 Update 1.1.2 and we have the complete list of patch notes here for you. This new patch adds different item colours on the mini-map, along with some gameplay related issues have been fixed. For those expecting new game features or content will wait for a future update as there is nothing new in this release.
Everything you need to know regarding the Blaster Master Zero 3 Update 1.1.2 is covered below in the full notes. You should be able to download this update right away on the PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. We do not yet have the update file size, but our best guess right now that it is around 500 MB as it doesn’t bring any major new features to the game.
Blaster Master Zero 3 Update 1.1.2 Patch Notes
Here are the official patch notes for Blaster Master Zero 3 Update 1.1.2 that is now rolling out to all the supported platforms of the game:
- Item icons on the mini-map will now appear as different colors depending on item type as follows:
・Other items (Light blue) - Other items (Light blue)
- An issue where sticking to a wall as G-SOPHIA SV under certain circumstances would cause the player to be unable to progress has been fixed.
- An issue with the controls on the sub-menu screen after settings were changed has been fixed.
- Some areas where the player may have gotten stuck or out of bounds have been revised.
- Various other small fixes have been implemented.
If you’d like to read more game updates and news, check out our Patch Notes section.
Source: Blaster Master