Genshin Impact is releasing the 2.4 update in a few days and players are extremely excited about it. This update brings in tons of content to the game and it does things a little differently than before. If you want to know more about the Genshin Impact update 2.4, you came to the right place.
This guide will take a look at the character banners, new events, regions, and more in this upcoming massive update for Genshin Impact. With that said, let’s dive right in and take a look at the Genshin Impact update 2.4 and all the changes alongside it.
Genshin Impact Update 2.4: Release Date, Changes, Map Additions
First of all, let’s take a look at the release time for this update. The update will go live on Wednesday, January 5, 2022, at 11:00 am Server time. As always, there will be a maintenance period of 5 hours but every player will be rewarded with 300 Primogems. Now that we know of the release date, let’s see what this update has to offer.
Character Banners
As we mentioned earlier, character banners are going to look different in this update. There will be four character banners that will feature tons of 5-star and 4-star characters. However, all four banners will not go live at once. During the first phase, there will be 2 character banners that will share some of the 4-star characters.
The main attraction of the first banner is Shenhe – a 5-star Cryo polearm user. On top of that, if you somehow missed the Xiao banner, you will have the chance to participate in it again. Xiao is also a 5-star character that uses the Anemo element alongside a polearm. This banner will start on January 5, 2022.
In addition to this, these are the 4-star characters that are shared between them:
- Yun Jin Geo, Polearm User (New Character)
- Ningguang Geo, Catalyst User
- Chongyun
Moving on to the second banner, it will release on January 26, 2022, and will feature Ganyu and Zhong-Li. Both of these are 5-star users that use a bow and a polearm respectively.
Map Changes

The latest region being introduced in this update is Enkanomiya. As you can see in the image above, there are tons of islands that you can visit. You will also be able to interact with the teleport waypoints to fast travel around the map since most of it consists of water. We cannot wait for this update to come out so that we can explore this new area.
New Bosses

Two new bosses are being introduced in this update. Known as The Primordial Bathysmal Vishaps they harness the power of Cryo, Hydro, and Electro. Plus, defeating these bosses will drop the Dragonheir’s False Fin which is an essential material to level-up Shenhe.
New Weapons and Artifacts

The Calamity Queller is the newest weapon being added to the game and it is a 5-star polearm. This will be the primary weapon of Shenhe. The stats of the weapon are as follows:
- Max ATK – 741
- Secondary stat – 16.5% ATK
- Passive R5: Gain 24% Bonus on all elemental DMG. When activating Elemental Skill gain Consummation: 20 seconds of gradually increasing ATK 6.4%. Can stack 6 times.
- When the user is outfield, the consummation bonus is doubled.
Apart from this weapon, there are tons of 4-star weapons coming out in this update as well:
- Favonius Warbow (Bow)
- The Flute (Sword)
- Lithic Spear (Polearm)
- Widsith (Catalyst)
- Favonius Greatsword (Claymore)
- Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (5-star)
If you wish to ascend the Calamity Queller, you will have to get these materials:
- Mist Veiled Elixir Series Ascencion Material from the Hidden Palace in Lianshan Domain.
- Mist Grass Pieces obtained from the Fatui Cicin Mages
- Materials dropped by Whopperflowers

A new artifact set is being introduced for Cryo characters. Players will be able to farm them from Enkanomiya. Here are the benefits of equipping this set:
- Two pieces of Glacier and Snowfield will increase Cryo DMG by 15%.
- Four pieces of this set will increase Superconduct DMG by 100%, Melt DMG by 15%, and increase by 30% when the character uses an Elemental Burst.
New Outfits
This update will bring in some new outfits for both Keqing and Ningguang. You can get Ningguang’s skin for free by participating in the Fleeting Colors in Flight event. However, if you wish to purchase Keqing’s outfit, you will have to spend about 1350 Genesis Crystals.
New Events
As with all other updates, there are tons of events in this update as well. Some are re-runs while others are new but all of them are good to partake in. Here are all the events in Genshin Impact update 2.4:
- Hangout Series V: Ningguang and Yun Jin
- The return of the Lantern Rite Festival
- This event will give players a Ningguang’s skin and a Free 4-star Liyue character of their preference. (Including Yun jin)
- Players will battle an Event Boss that looks like Osial, a three head Water Hydra.
- Eight Locales Over Mountains and Seas (Kichiboushi outing event)
- The return of Windtrace, with new Hide and Seek Locations.
- A Study in Potions – Combat Challenge using potions to boost team compositions. (Includes trial Characters)
These are all the major changes being introduced in Genshin Impact update 2.4. We are extremely excited to get our hands on the update and play the game. Let us know in the comments below which change are you most excited about and why.