SNK Japan, the developers of fan favorite game King of Fighters, have announced three new characters coming in to the game, once King of Fighters 15 releases. There will also be a new Samurai Season Pass 3 coming with the update. Apart from that, there will be an official trailer for the upcoming season in January, 2021. So, we have to wait a little more for that.
Until the trailer releases, there will be some leaks here and there around the game. However, today we will give the details about the news that has been confirmed by SNK Japan, and that is the release of three new characters in the next season.
King of Fighters 15 Official Characters

By watching the trailer, you can tell, the two classic fighters, namely Kyo Kusanagi and Benimaru Nikaido will be making a return in King of Fighters’ next edition. The return was expected since they are fan favorites and have appeared in every edition of the game. The mascot of SNK series, Terry Bogard will also be a part of the game like every year.
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The third character will be Shun’ei, who made his debut in the 14th edition, as a student of Fatal Fury character Tung Fu Rue. He was the lead protagonist in the last edition, and will also have the same role to play in the upcoming one as well.
1. Kyo Kusanagi
Kyo Kusanagi appeared in the very first installment of the game, and now he will return wearing a black jacket and bandana.

2. Benimaru Nikaido
Benimaru Nikaido will return in a sleeveless shirt, rocking his most classic style in the upcoming update.

3. Shun’ei
Just like the previous season, Shun’ei will play the role of main protagonist in KOF 15 as well. His look has changed a bit and he has some new moves up his sleeve.

King of Fighters Official Trailer Announcement
The fans have to patiently wait one more month for the official trailer of the King of Fighter 15. It will be released of 7th of January, 2021, which is not that far away. However, the official release date has not been announced yet.
This was all about the new character coming in King of Fighters 15 and it’s official trailer announcement. The new update is regarded as one of the games to watch out for in 2021. So we will see what the hype is all about once the game releases.