This is a guide featuring the top 5 best scorestreaks of all time in COD Mobile. When it comes to mobile gaming, Call of Duty: Mobile is way ahead of it’s competitors. It is the best first person shooter (FPS) game out there, and no game comes close to matching the features COD Mobile offers. With the release of its Season 12, the game has seen a lot of new stuff including, maps, operator skills, weapons, perks etc. Today however, we will be talking about the Scorestreaks in COD Mobile, and the best in particular.
There are a lot of Scorestreaks in Call of Duty: Mobile and all of them have different outcomes. So, let’s see which ones are the best among all.
What are Scorestreaks?
Well, scorestreaks basically gives you some special abilities. You will be able to do a lot more damage and stuff using them, than you can with a normal weapon. They can basically turn the game on it’s head, if you use them properly. There are a variety of scorestreaks that you can unlock by getting kills, assists, capturing and holding objective etc.
Related: How to Unlock Ballistic Shield Operator Skill in COD Mobile
Best Scorestreaks in COD Mobile
After telling you the basic purpose of scorestreaks, now it’s time to look at the 5 best and most effective ones, present in the game currently.
1. VTOL Warship

Even after a slight nerf that it got concerning its fire rate, the VTOL Warship is still the greatest scorestreak in the game. But, you can have the maximum benefit out of it in an open map like Firing Range, Nuketown or Standoff for example. Summit won’t be such a good option for VTOL since the opponents can easily camp under the control room for cover.
VTOL basically fires missiles which can eliminate enemies before they can even come out of their spawn. Basically they get spawn trapped. You can literally triple cap a team in Domination if one of your teammates has a VTOL activated up in the sky.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the VTOL at 1600 points without Persistance perk, and at 3200 points with the perk equipped.
2. XS1 Goliath

XS1 Goliath is another one of those streaks that can win you matches even if you are down by some points. You can basically call in an automatic firing Robot, and fire unlimited bullets at your will. Just make sure you don’t make it overheated, else it will be blasted.
It’s mostly used to capture and defend Domination points, especially Beta (B), and holding down and securing hardpoints.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the XS1 Goliath at 900 points without Persistance perk, and at 1800 points with the perk equipped.
3. Cluster Strike

A great and viable scorestreak in the form of Cluster Strike. What it basically does is call in some air missiles that deals a lot of damage to the opponents below. Another great asset to clear the enemies who are trying to capture a domination flag or trying to enter a hardpoint.
Cluster Strike can’t be stopped even with a trophy system, because it keeps on sending those missiles continuously. A trophy system can stop two of them utmost and then the end of your enemies await.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the Cluster Strike at 950 points without Persistance perk, and at 1900 points with the perk equipped.
4. Advanced UAV

Advanced UAV is the second most expensive scorestreak after the VTOL Warship. It is way better than a normal UAV, and can’t even be destroyed with an FHJ or an SMRS. What Advanced UAV does different than a normal UAV is that, it not only shows the location of enemies on the map, but also locate the direction in which they are moving right now. So, as a result, it is way easier to trace them.
You can read more about it in our article Advanced UAV Scorestreak | Call of Duty: Mobile Anniversary Update.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the Advanced UAV at 1400 points without Persistance perk, and at 2800 points with the perk equipped.
5. Sentry Gun

Sentry Gun is a tripod kind of machine gun which fires bullets automatially as soon as it spots an enemy. You can place it anywhere around the map. However, to make it more useful, you might want to place it at a place where it can kill enemies if they are coming to take the domination flag or contesting a hardpoint.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the Sentry Gun at 800 points without Persistance perk, and at 1600 points with the perk equipped.
Honorable Mention: SAM Turret

In a world full of attacking scorestreaks, you do not want to forget about a defensive one. The SAM Turret will help you a lot in taking down enemy’s VTOL Warships, UAVs, Counter UAVs and Stealth Choppers.
It is a great scorestreak to have in a long game of Domination where your opponents might activate their VTOL Warships or Stealth Choppers.
How to Unlock: You can unlock the VTOL at 850 points without Persistance perk, and at 1700 point with the perk equipped.
This list was for respawn modes. For Search and Destroy in particular, you can use the UAV, Shock RC and the Hunter Killer Drone. They will unlock at 400, 450 and 500 points respectively.
This was all about the top 5 best scorestreaks in Call of Duty: Mobile. You can make the most out of them by using them properly in games. Using persistance will guarantee you the scorestreaks after you reach the specified score, without the perk you will have to go on a long streak to activate them. Having said that, it’s up to you, how you want to play!