The latest expansion of Destiny 2 is coming in just a short while and players are extremely excited for it. There is a bunch of new content being introduced with this update. The new Throne World destination, Void 3.0 subclass rework, a new raid, a Legendary campaign difficulty, and much more.
Unfortunately, there are things that are leaving Destiny 2 as well. Most notably, the Forsaken’s campaign, the Tangled Shore destination, and a lot of Year 4’s seasonal content. However, the new content features a lot of things so it’s not all bad. With that said, let’s dive right in and take a look at when Destiny 2 will go offline for maintenance, the release time for the update, and how you should prepare for it.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Server Maintenance

Before we talk about how you should prepare for The Witch Queen update, let’s take a look at when the servers will go offline for maintenance. If this is your first time playing Destiny 2, worry not because the servers go down before almost every major update.
Server Down Time

- UK: 2:45am (GMT, Tuesday)
- Europe: 3:45am (CEST, Tuesday)
- East Coast US: 9.45pm (EST, Monday)
- West Coast US: 6:45pm (PST, Monday)
The upside is that you can preload The With Queen update when the servers are down. As soon as the update goes live, you’ll already have downloaded it and will be ready to play. In case you are wondering when the maintenance will end, the timings are:
- UK: 5pm (GMT)
- Europe: 6pm (CEST)
- East Coast US: 12pm (EST)
- West Coast US: 9am (PST)
Keep in mind that you might enter a queue when you launch the game. This is because a lot of players will be trying to log in at the same time to try out the new update. Don’t worry and keep waiting for your turn. Otherwise, you can always wait and play later.

If you are playing Destiny 2 on the PS4, you will have to download all the associated data before playing the update. You can do so by launching the game right now and downloading the data. The total size might seem large right now but once everything is done, the size will be compressed.
How to Prepare for The Witch Queen
Since a lot of content is being vaulted, you will want to fix all loose ends before they go forever. Plus, the good news is that all players will be able to start the new expansion regardless of their Power Level. So, let’s take a look at what you should do before the expansion.
Use All Gunsmith Materials
The Gunsmith materials will be vaulted and replaced with the new reputation system. If you do not use all your current materials, they might disappear forever. This can be a major loss if you have tons of materials gathered. So, make sure that you hand in all the Gunsmith materials before the new update goes live.
Purchase Glimmer
Since The Tangled Shore activity is being vaulted, The Spider is also leaving alongside it. Before that happens though, we suggest that you buy Glimmer from The Spider. This will ensure that you have enough for upcoming bounties and activities in The Witch Queen expansion.
Unlock Season Pass Rewards
If you haven’t done so already, make sure that you unlock all of the previous Season Pass rewards from Bungie’s website. Alongside this, you should also complete any remaining activities in the Moments of Triumph since it will end soon. Also, complete any remaining storylines and see what Xur has to offer this week.
Items Being Removed
As aforementioned, there are tons of things that are being vaulted with the upcoming expansion. If you are curious to know what will disappear from the inventory, here’s a complete list of items that are going to be removed soon:
- Bell of Conquests
- Cabal Gold
- Cabal Runes
- Challenger Medallions
- Corrupted Data
- Corrupted Key Code
- Cryptolith Lure
- Decrypted Data
- Dreaming Token of Eriviks
- Dreaming Token of Querim
- Dreaming Token of Xavoth
- Ether
- Etheric Spiral
- Ghost Fragments
- Ghost Mods: Arc Analyzer, Solar Analyzer, Void Analyzer, Omni-Telemetry, Banshee Special
- Hammer of Proving
- Imperial Access Code
- Intercepted Distress Signal
- Key Code
- Lure Mutation Finder
- Lure Mods: Prey Mods and Trophy Mods
- Mod Components
- Parallax Trajectory
- Pure Matterglass Lens
- Recon Data
- Splicer Gauntlet
- Strand of Nobility
- The Unclaimed Lightbearer
- Wanted Bounties / enemies
- Weapon Telemetries
That is everything you need to know about Destiny 2: The Witch Queen server downtime, release timings, and how you should prepare for it. We would love to know your thoughts on the upcoming expansion. Let us know in the comments below if you are excited about it or not.