Crystals are valuable but they are also sharp so be careful and not step on them because you might hurt yourself. Keeping the same precaution in mind while playing Slime Rancher 2, make sure to not stab yourself when you are out hunting the precious Crystal Slimes. In case you didn’t know, there are about 17 types of slimes in the game.
This guide is all about Crystal Slimes in Slime Rancher 2. We will dive deeper into the world of Slime and see how we can get our hands on a Crystal Slime along with their favorite food – The Odd Onions.
Crystal Slime Location in Slime Rancher 2
You were playing Slime Rancher 2 and you got bored so you decided you let’s get ourselves some slimes that are hard to handle but still worth the effort due to their high plort value and having one of the best largos in the game.
Yes, we are talking about the spiky Crystal Slimes. Crystal Slimes are one of the best slimes in Slime Rancher 2 according to our Tier List. Let’s look at how you can find one for yourself and make some money.

Crystal Slimes are only found in the Ember Valley and getting into the Ember Valley is going to take a little bit of preparation. First, you will have to go to the marked location on the map below where you will find the Pink Gordo Slime.

Once you find the Pink Gordo, just keep feeding it. Since it is an omnivore, it can eat anything as long as it is edible.

When it explodes, an air stream will be exposed. Stand on top of it and land on the cliff on the left side. Keep following the path until you reach the controls for the Teleporter.

Head into the Ember Valley and there you will be able to find Crystal Slimes at the following two locations marked on the map below.

How to Find Odd Onions in Slime Rancher 2
Odd Onions are the favorite food of the Crystal Slimes and are likely to increase the plort yield if fed to them. Odd Onions are a confusing plant and this is an understatement because an Odd Onion Plant grows more carrots than Odd Onions themselves.

Yes, the Odd Onions Plants will give you two different vegetables – Carrots and Odd Onions, so it is a nice addition to your garden. Now, how and where can you get this magical plant? The same place where you found the Crystal Slimes also houses many Odd Onion Plants.
Odd Onions can be found throughout the Ember Valley and once you find one, store it in your Vac. When you come back to your ranch, pop it in the garden and it will start growing carrots with an occasional Odd Onion.
Slime Rancher 2 is now available on the PC via Steam and Xbox Series X/S platforms. For more guides, helpful tips and walkthroughs, check out the Slime Rancher 2 section.
For reading on how to find other types of slimes, check out the following guides: