How to Get Credits Fast in Gran Turismo 7

Gran Turismo, the long-running racing franchise by Polyphony Digital, has always featured a huge array of cars to collect. Any person who plays this game wishes that they could own each of the cars but sadly just like anything in life you can’t always get your cake and eat it too.

This time around in Gran Turismo 7 the collection is even more alluring, though the price tags that accompany this are a slap in the face. Many hours of grind and hard work won’t even pay for the car of your dream. Here we will discuss a sure-fire way of getting a massive amount of credits in the shortest time possible in Gran Turismo 7.

Getting Credits Fast In Gran Turismo 7

gran turismo 7

Just look at these cars, just look at them! I don’t know about you but I’m drooling here just seeing them looking so voluptuous, especially with those next-gen PS5 graphics. If you are like me and when you are done buying your first crappy basic car, you visit the store to gawk at the collection in the game and make your mental list of which one you will buy when your pockets are heavy.

This enthusiastic feeling will definitely be gut-punched when you check those price tags and realize if one costs this much then what about the rest of my list, not even factoring in the various upgrade costs. You put a smile on and begin your racing career and aspire to reach the top of the proverbial podium of the racing world where the money rains just like the champagne.

Here comes another punch and you can’t dodge it! The pace at which this game doles out credits, i.e. game currency, is abysmal. The payout compared to the work you put in is hilariously depressing. The game is a potential micro-transaction hell!

So now to keep that dream garage hope alive we succumb to cheesing and farming methods to get that credit and fulfill our desires and save our real-life wallets from unnecessary exercise.

Related: Gran Turismo 7 Steering Wheel Controllers Support List

Credit Farming in Gran Turismo 7

What you need to do is firstly in the World Circuits screen choose the Europe location. Choose the Sardegna – Windmills races in Italy. In here go for the Dirt Champions race. This is a rally race, that’s off-road racing so you need to be acquainted with this particular style of driving to secure a victory each time.

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Sardegna – Windmills (Italy)

This race is a perfect farming spot for credits and here is why:

  • The payout for this race is 65,000 credits if you win and 40,000 if you come in second. Also if you drive clean without any collision with the opponent and side rails you will be rewarded extra giving you 95,000 credits if you win.
  • There is just one opponent in the race so the possibility of collision is lower than usual. And the track is wide giving you ample room to move about.
  • There are three short laps in the race that can be completed in 1 to 1.5 minute each and 4 mins in total. A relatively short time to earn that kind of money especially if driving clean.

Repeat this race till you have enough to get that dream car and more. This method is the most efficient way of getting credits as the time taken to reward ratio is great. This method can fill up that garage of yours briskly and is perfect for people opting to go for the Platinum Trophy that requires you to buy those extortionate Legendary cars.

Hopefully, this guide will have made you some quick bucks for your favorite set of wheels. Which car are you hoping to buy? What are your thoughts about the economy of the game? Comment below and let us know.

Wasay Hasan
Wasay Hasan

Wasay has never set boundaries on what type of games he likes, he has dabbled in many genres but none can run the test of time as a good single-player experience regardless of AAA or Indie. Narrative-based and Soulsborne are his weakness. His all-time favorites are God of War, Hollow Knight, Marvel's Spiderman, Elden Ring, Nier: Automata, Bloodborne and he can go on and on.

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