Despite its brutal difficulty, Sifu has garnered quite a following. With so many hands playing this brawler, there are bound to be some issues even the developers weren’t able to locate while testing. Some of these problems are getting rectified with the latest patch and we have all the information regarding it.
Bugs that players use to their unfair advantage to problems with the camera while playing have tested the audience’s patience on top of the already harsh formula of Sifu, all of these are getting their due treatment in this Patch 1.07.
Sifu Update 1.07 Released for PC

Sifu the brutal brawler by the makers of Absolver, has made headlines for its unruly difficulty and unorthodox playstyle and approach to the brawler genre. People were already complaining about the difficulty when exploits starts popping up that made some fights trivial. This latest patch 1.07 has fixed some of these issues and we have them below. This update is already up on PC and is coming to PlayStation on Monday.
Related: How to Fix Micro Stutters in Sifu
The camera used to get stuck in between frantic fights on various objects in the environment where players had to wrestle the camera controls as well. This issue is getting catered in this update.
There were many exploits like the infinite loop of sweep attack to hit already down enemies and the Blade technique exploit against Kuroki is also fixed so no more cheesing guys you have to earn your place in the arena. An issue with Fajar where he would stop fighting in the second phase is also gone now.
This game is set in a Chinese theme and players were surprised to find out that the game didn’t even feature Mandarin voices over, this update will bring with it Mandarin Chinese voice-over to give that authentic feel.
There are many other minor bugs and performance optimization that is being fixed with this update, including UI display etc. For detailed patch notes, check out our post stating those.
Have you played Sifu? How are you liking the difficulty? Have you run into and bugs? Let us know in the comments below.