Street Fighter 6 Full Roster Leaked

Street Fighter has been a long-running franchise and is considered the forefather of fighting games. Over the years, many amazing Street Fighter games have come out and after the success of the recent installment, Capcom revealed Street Fighter 6 at Sony’s State of Play.

After the cinematic and slight gameplay reveal, players all around the world are extremely excited to get their hands on the game. Since Capcom has not revealed the roster in its entirety, there have been various leaks from credible sources that show us what characters will be available to play. With that said, let’s dive right in and take a look at the leaked full roster for Street Fighter 6.

Street Fighter 6: Full Roster Details

If you have been following the Street Fighter franchise for some time now, you’ll notice that almost every character has a new design in this game. Some of the characters look extremely good in Street Fighter 6 and I am glad that they are getting a new design. Characters like E. Honda and my favorite – Ken, look extraordinary with their gritty and more mature designs.

If you are curious to know each character that is “confirmed” in the game, here is a list of all characters in SF 6 that the fans have come to know and love over the years:

  • Ryu
  • Ken
  • Chun Li
  • Zangief
  • Dhalsim
  • E. Honda
  • Blanka
  • Guile
  • Cammy
  • Dee Jay
  • Rashid
  • Juri
  • Ed
  • Akuma

That’s not all, though. There are a few fresh faces introduced in Street Fighter 6 as well. Since we don’t know much about these characters right now, we can only speculate based off of their appearance. However, here is a list of all the new characters in Street Fighter 6 that have been leaked:

  • Marisa is an Italian woman with an MMA-like getup.
  • Mimi looks similar to Abel from Street Fighter 4 but with a more unique design.
  • Lilly is a Mexican girl wearing indigenous garb and wielding a pair of clubs.
  • JP is a Russian that has a good sense of style. I cannot wait to see more of him.
  • Kimberly is an African-American woman. She was featured heavily in the announce trailer for the game.
  • A.K.I is an assassin-looking character from China.

As aforementioned, since there isn’t any information available on these characters, we can only assume their stories and lore. However, as soon as we find out more, we’ll keep you updated. Including the new characters, Street Fighter 6 seems to have about 20 characters right now. We might see more additions as the release gets near or in future DLC/expansion packs.

Till we can get our hands on the game, check out this awesome announcement trailer for the game that Capcom showed during the State of Play.

YouTube video

We cannot wait to get our hands on the game and try it out for ourselves. As a fan of fighting games, I love everything about Street Fighter and it seems like Capcom is hitting it out of the park recently especially with the recent Resident Evil 4 remake announcement as well. We would love to hear your thoughts on the roster of Street Fighter 6 and are you excited to play the game? Let us know in the comments below!

Umer Cheema
Umer Cheema

By day, Umer loves writing about games and talking about them; by night, he is an avid gamer that loves playing League of Legends and RTS games. Being a massive fan of Metal Gear Solid, you'll find Umer always praising the legendary Hideo Kojima.

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