Muhib Nadeem

Muhib Nadeem

Muhib is a huge anime fan that loves playing and writing about video games. As a CS student, he loves to get crafty in MOBAs. You will hear him talk about tech and food 24 hours a day!
Dead by Daylight (Featured Image)

Dead By Daylight Chapter 23 Ringu Leaks

The Chapter 23 update for Dead by Daylight is just around the corner and we have the complete information about the brand new leaks for your reading pleasure. Behaviour Interactive has been generous with DBD’s updated content so far and…

How to Play Co-Op in Lost Ark

Being an MMO, Lost Ark is best enjoyed when played with friends. The in-game classes and mechanics are specifically tunes to be played in groups. While doing solo missions is not impossible, it certainly won’t be an easy challenge. The…