Muhib Nadeem

Muhib Nadeem

Muhib is a huge anime fan that loves playing and writing about video games. As a CS student, he loves to get crafty in MOBAs. You will hear him talk about tech and food 24 hours a day!

Bloodborne PSX Demake Cheat Codes List

Looking for Bloodborne PSX Demake cheat codes but can’t find any? No worries as we have just the thing for your reading pleasure. While Bloodborne Demake is extremely fun to relive, it can get hard at times and you want…

Fix Micro Stutters Sifu

How to Fix Micro Stutters in Sifu

Sifu has been through a rough start as players are facing and reporting various errors and bugs on their respective machines. It seems like we will have to wait for a few patches before Sifu becomes truly stable. With that…

Dying Light 2: Stay Human

How to Repair Weapons in Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2 offers some highly enjoyable weapon choices for its player base. They can range from melee weapons to makeshift weapons that can still be very strong. Regardless of what weapon you’re playing Dying Light 2 with, it will…