Shavez Arif

Shavez Arif

Caffeine-dependant, not-so-hardcore gamer who for some reason loves every FPS game with a toxic fanbase - Rainbow Six Siege and Valorant to name a few. I love to write and when I am not doing that, you will find me bingeing anime and casually banging my head against a wall trying to fix a bug in my code because that's what a Computer Science major does.

Overwatch 2: Best Support Heroes

In a team-based game, not everyone can be on the frontline, not everyone is supposed to run like a madman and gun anyone that comes in sight. There are other members who have to be responsible and play strategically while…

Conquest Mask GTA Online

How to Unlock Conquest Mask in GTA Online

Events and new items are the heart and soul of an online game like GTA and Rockstar Games sure knows how to keep things interesting and the players grinding by adding new events for all the special times around the…

Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2: Best DPS Heroes

Overwatch 2’s hype is based on its ability to provide something for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you like to play slow or play fast because this game has got something for you. Overwatch 2 features three different classes –…

Brotato screenshot

Brotato: Best Ranger Build

Potatoes can survive the harshest of environments. No matter what you throw at it, it will survive even if what you are throwing at is a hoard of zombies and monsters. Yes! we are talking about Brotato where you play…